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Metadata: Barbeyrac, Jean: Oratio de magistratu, forte peccante, e pulpitis sacris non traducendo
- Title:
- Oratio de magistratu, forte peccante, e pulpitis sacris non traducendo
- Other titles:
- Joannis Barbeyracii ... oratio de magistratu, forte peccante, e pulpitis sacris non traducendo
- Subtitle:
- habita Groningae ... quum magistratu academico abiret
- Edition:
- iuxta exemplar Amstelodamense ...
- Printing location:
- Tübingen
- Printer:
- Pflick
- Publication year:
- 1724
- Scope:
- 28 S.
- Keyword:
- Territorialverwaltung
- Language:
- Latin
- Shelfmark:
- NETT 045-003
- Catalog ID:
- 255256