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Citation recommendation
Metadata: Senckenberg, Heinrich Christian von: Responsum in eadem causa
- Title:
- Responsum in eadem causa
- Other titles:
- Henrici Christiani Senckenbergii ... responsum in eadem causa
- Printing location:
- Göttingen
- Publication year:
- [1741]
- Scope:
- S. 113 - 130
- Resource:
- Georgii Lvdovici Boehmeri ... de investitvrae simvltaneae eventvalis non desiderata renovatione eivsqve impvni omissione commentatio ivris fevdalis
- Keyword:
- Lehnserbfolge
- Language:
- German
- Shelfmark:
- 3 in: NETT 235-001
- Catalog ID:
- 255084