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Metadata: Francke, Heinrich Gottlieb: De assentatione necessaria
- Title:
- De assentatione necessaria
- Responsible:
- H. G. F.
- Printing location:
- Helmstedt
- Publication year:
- 1741
- Scope:
- S. [XXV] - XXXVI
- Resource:
- Augustini a Leyser ... meditationes de assentationibvs ivre-consvltorvm et doctrina de domaniis. - Iam tertia vice recognitae varii generis notis auctae nec non meditationes De assentatione necessaria ut et Notitia domaniorum maxime litteraria ac indice ... instructae / auctore Henrico Gottlieb Francke
- Keyword:
- Miscellanea
- Language:
- Latin
- Shelfmark:
- in: NETT 072-001
- Catalog ID:
- 240650