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Metadata: Shan xi quan tu
Multivolume work
- Title:
- [Da Qing yi tong yu di quan tu]
- Other titles:
- [大清一統與地全圖]
- [大清一统与地全图]
- Place of publication:
- [Wu chang]
- [武昌]
- Publisher:
- [Hu bei guan shu ju]
- [湖北官書局]
- Publication year:
- 1864
- Note:
- Unvollständig, 22 von 26 Karten
- Chinese Provincial Maps (Titelübersetzung nach Auktionskatalog: China in print and on paper : including the Library of Bernard Hanotiau and the Floyd Sully Collection)
- Language:
- Chinese
- Shelfmark:
- Rara D212
- Title:
- Shan xi quan tu
- Other titles:
- 陝西全圖
- 陕西全图
- [Da Qing yi tong yu di quan tu]
- [大清一統與地全圖]
- Volume count:
- 10
- Place of publication:
- [Wu chang]
- [武昌]
- Publisher:
- [Hu bei guan shu ju]
- [湖北官書局]
- Publication year:
- 1864
- Scope:
- 1 Karte : schwarz-weiß ; 103 x 66 cm, gefaltet
- Note:
- Datierung (同治三年, 1864) und Veröffentlichungsangabe nach Auktionskatalog: China in print and on paper : including the Library of Bernard Hanotiau and the Floyd Sully Collection
- Language:
- Chinese
- Shelfmark:
- Rara D212 -[10]
- Location (original):
- Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte / Max Planck Institute for the History of Science