Full text: Study "Individual development and social structure" - ¬The development of formal thought (Pt. 2)

Stage and Description 
Ordering Effect (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 
of Achievements 
St. Wt. H. St. Wt. H. 
IIIA2IIB(a) Fails to exclude 
weight and height (perhaps 
because of uncertain ordering) 
4/0 4/040 + - - + (+ + 0 - -) 
and method has one shaky point 
and no untested inferences, or 
(0 + + - -) 
(b) excludes one of weight and 
height with difficulty and method 
is shaky throughout with no 
untested inferences, or 
(c) -) 
succeeds in finding correct 
+ + + 
+ or + 0 0 0 - 
effect of each factor, but only 
with difficulty for each one, and 
(- 0) 
method also shows one shaky 
point, or (d) fails exclude weight 
and height and finds effect of 
(+ +-- 
string only with difficulty, but 
+ ++ 0 0 0 + 
method has no shaky aspects 
(0 + + - -) 
although there is no untested 


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