Table 10 - continued
DE 22 Ratio RMSEA NNEI FI ADE A72— p
Model 14:
14: 13 791 1164.27 1.472 036 865 .886 2 0.34 .844
2 correlations
among the corre¬
sponding self-rated
and friend-rated
aspects constrained
in opposit direc¬
Tests of means
Model 15:
15:2 747 1144.28 1.532 .038 848 880 9 34,40 .000
means invariant
across perspectives
Model 16:
16:2 744 1132.70 1.522 .038 .851 .883 6 22.82 .001
means invariant
across perspectives
only with average
and popular chil¬
Model 17:
17:2 742 1113.88 1.501 037 .857 .888 4 4.00 .406
means invariant
across perspectives
only with average
Model 18:
18: 17 748 1119,99 1,497 037 858 887 6 6.11 411
only means of self-
rated aspects equal
across groups
Model 19:
19: 18 753 1184.52 1.573 040 .836 .869 5 64.53 .000
means of friend¬
rated aspects equal
across groups
Model 20:
20: 18
752 1127.36 1.499
037 .858 886 4 7.37 .118
also means of mu¬
tually rated aspects
equal across groups
Note. N for average group = 243, N for popular group = 85, N for rejected group = 41. comp: first
number defines the current model, second number defines the model used as the comparison refer-
ence for the current model. DF = degrees of freedom. y2 - chi-square-value. Ratio = ratio between
x2 and DF. RMSEA = Root Mean Square Error of Approximation. NNFI = Non-Incremental Fit
Index. IFI = Incremental Fit Index. ADF = difference between the degrees of freedom of the cur-
rent model and the reference model. Ax2 - difference between the chi-square-values of the current
model and the reference model. p = significance level of the nested y2-test.