Full text: Brendgen, Rosemarie: Peer rejection and friendship quality

Figure 3 
Identification of Reciprocal Friendships by Peer Status 
746 children with valid sociometric data 
from these 
110 (15%) popular 
90 (12%) rejected 
29 (4%) neglected 
20 (3%) controversial 
335 (45%) average 
162 (21%) unclassified 
from these with Friendship Interview data 
92 popular children 
64 rejected children 
22 neglected children 
15 controversial children 
284 average children 
130 unclassified children 
= 607 
from these with at least one reciprocated friendship 
85 (92%) popular 
44 (6%%) rejected 
(6 with exclusive mutual nominations) 
14 (64%) neglected 
15 (100%) controversial 
253 (89%) average 
(20 with exclusive mutual nominations) 
114 (88%) unclassified 
(14 with exclusive mutual nominations) 
= 525

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