Full text: Staudinger, Ursula M.: Manual for the assessment of wisdom-related knowledge

Characteristics of an Ideal Response 
An ideal response includes the following: 
the important aspects of a problem are discussed in a manner showing that much 
thought has been given to the difficulties in life and the problems of making life 
specific questions are asked pertaining to the central themes, and it is explained 
why the answers to these questions are important for solving the problem; 
rich knowledge about life questions: choices and decision-making, future goals 
and options, and strategies for attaining these goals; 
alternative options for the main character are offered and one or two plausible 
scenarios are described in detail; 
experiences are systematized and evaluated, forming the basis for new life 
perspectives and influencing one's own life review, as well as those of others. 
Past events are re-evaluated on the basis of new experiences. 
To which degree is this protocol similar to an ideal response with regard to rich procedural 
knowledge about dealing with the fundamental pragmatics of life? 
very little 
a great deal 

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