Full text: Applications of event history analysis in life course research

Discussion of Reinhard Hujer and Hilmar Schneider: "Unemployment duration as a 
function of individual characteristics and economic trends" 
Olaf Hübler 
(1) The unemployment duration analysis is one of the tra- 
ditional economic applications in event history analy- 
sis. There exist several studies of this problem, 
especially from the United States and Great Britain, 
for example Lancaster (1979), Lancaster/Nickell (1980), 
Heckman/Borjas (1980), Nickell (1979), Flinn/Heckman 
(1982), Lynch (1985), Moffitt (1985), Addison/Portugal 
(1986a). In Germany the problems of unemployment dura¬ 
tion were only considered with aggregated data until 
now with the exception of Büchtemann/Brasche (1985), 
who based their analysis on individual data, but only 
used cross tables and frequency distributions to de- 
scribe the problems. 
Hujer/Schneider have presented a very interesting 
paper on unemployment duration in Germany by using 
the instruments of event history analysis. Especially 
four issues of their study are important:

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