Full text: Applications of event history analysis in life course research

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I would like to thank Iain Paterson for nelpful com- 
See Sorensen and Sorensen (1985) for an application of 
this model to cohort shifts in age at marriage. 
I would like to thank Gilg Seeber who estimated the pa- 
rameters of the log-logistic model with a GLIM-Macro. 
Tne good fit of diffusion models does not exclude ai- 
ternative explanations of the risk pattern. Assumptions 
of heterogeneity, search-models, and a combination of 
search theory, latent states and heterogeneity (Coale 
and McNeil, 1972) offer rival explanations of the ob¬ 
served patterns (see Diekmann, 1986b for a more exten¬ 
sive discussion). 
Tests of the proportional hazards model are discussed 
in Diekmann (1986b). Kaplan-Meier estimates of the sur- 
vival function fit quite well with the model prediction 
for mean values of covariates.

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