are in this establishment quite in the region of gastro-
nomy; as Mess. Corsini can supply household requi-
sities of every description. — All kinds of sauces,
condiments, pickles, preserved pork, sausages, cheese
from any place whatever, white, red and black pep-
per, pure tunny, lobster, salmon, oysters, anchovies.
good anchovy sauce, pure and very good mustards,
and many other delicacies are to be found in this
particular repository.
- Besides Mess. Corsini’s esta¬
blishment is well supplied with the best black broken
leaf teas, of excellent loaf-pure West India Row; moise
sugars, and the finest East India coffee of Mess. Cor-
sini, is very much preferred by every stranger residing
here. — Mess. Corsini & sons are also well supplied
with national and foreign good wines and all kinds
of excellent liquors, spirits, India, pale-ale and stout
beer. — The famous Tuscan wines of Chianti, Monte-
pulciano and Aleatico are found quite genuine and
reliable here-
- Fixed and unvariable prices for any one,
but by no means overcharged, and we may say that
they are more economical than other houses.
must also add that Mess. Corsini’s establishment
been always very much patronised by the Royal Fa-
mily — Her Highness the Grand-Duchess Mary of Rus-
- Prince Napoleon, when living here, and Prince
Paul Demidoff’s household.
(Borgo S. Jacopo, N. 16)
M." L. Ceccarelli is much renowned for his system
of lasting gilding on carved wood — He is always
supplied with carved furniture and frames for pictures.