Full text: Bacciotti, Emilio: Bacciotti's Handbook of Florence and its environs, or the stranger conducted through its principal monuments, studios, churches, palaces, galleries, streets and shops

Case (to the right), Ancient glasses, and seven tablets (niello 
work by the famous Maso Finiguerra, the inventor 
of calcography, in 1452.) 
Case (to the left) Model in wax, for the celebrated statue of 
Lorenzo de’ Medici in S. Lorenzo, by Michelangelo. 
It would be impossible, in the compass of this book, 
to give even a brief account of these treasures. You 
must, however call your attention to the following 
13. Apollo in repose. 
CASE 1. 
24. Bacchus and Amnelo. 
86. Augustus, under the form of Apollo.(onyx) 
CASE 2. 
109. Head of Vespasian (onyx) 
140. Wounded stag (onyx) 
178. BodyofOur Sav."(large onyx, by Mantegna) 
CASE 3. 
180. Flight into Egypt, and Massacre of the 
Innocents (double Cameo, in blood redjasper) 
221. Cosmo the Elder. 
22. Lawrence, the Magnificent. 
223. Alexander of Medicis. 
27. Catherine of Medicis. 
228. Francis I.“, King of France. 
232. Leo X of Medicis. 
CASE 5. 
28. Apollo (onyx.) 
40. Mercury (jasper.) 
54. Hercules on Olympus (amethyst.) 
70. Bacchus and Ariadne (jasper.) 
In this collection of modern intagli, the most cele¬ 
brated and interesting is that in: 
CASE 7. 371. Portrait of Savonarola by Giov. delle Corniole. 
Lorenzo of Medicis took peculiar pleasure in this 
branch of art, both in collecting ancient specimens, and

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