Van Dyck
1130. Fra Bartolommeo
were, on wood, prove this to be
the celebrated San Giovanni, which
Raphael painted for Cardinal Co¬
lonna, and which he gave to his
physician Messer lacopo, who had
cured him of a dangerous illness.
It has been in the gallery of
the Medicis since 1589).
Charles V, on horseback, armed,
(over his head an eagle holds a
crown of laurel).
Virgin of the Goldfinch (a Holy
family, commonly called la Ma¬
donna del Cardellino, from the
goldfinch S. John holds in his hand.
Beautiful in composition, sweet in
expression and truly divine in con¬
ception and execution. This picture
was painted in Florence by Ra¬
phael for his friend Lorenzo Nasi,
whose house being destroyed by the
landslip of the Monte San Giorgio
(Via dei Bardi) it was buried in
the ruins, but was recovered and
carefully joined, so that the mending
is scarcely visible).
Job (noble figure, holds a scroll
with « Ipse erit Salvator meus »
Pope Julius II (a very fine head;
the picture most carefully painted,
and the colouring rich and deep; it
is a repetition of that in the Pitti
Gallery ; but in Florence no one
doubts that both are originals).
Head of S. John, on a dish.