Full text: Bacciotti, Emilio: Bacciotti's Handbook of Florence and its environs, or the stranger conducted through its principal monuments, studios, churches, palaces, galleries, streets and shops

portraits: Farinata degli Uberti, Niccolò Acciaiuoli, 
Dante, Petrarca, Boccaccio, etc. 
Two rich male and female dresses of the XVIIth 
century (1.st glass case). 
Altar cloth, richly woven in silk, made in the 
XIV.t century by Jacopo Cambi, and several pa¬ 
storals and copes of the 13.“ and 14." centuries. 
(2 d glass case). 
Nativity of Our Saviour and Adoration of the Kings 
by Guglielmo di Marsilia of the XV.“ century 
(in the coloured glass windows.) 
Notice also in this room and in the following ones, 
divers coffers of different periods. — To the right of this 
room you enter the. 
Second room, full of works in terra cotta by Luca 
and Andrea della Robbia and their pupils. — Notice 
in this room the masterly painted window by Gio- 
vanni da Udine. 
Third room (in the tower); the walls of this room 
are covered with beautiful tapestry (XVIIth century) 
representing Europe, Asia, Africa and America — Ob- 
serve also in this roôm. 
— A bust .. 
by Donatello. 
A head . 
» Mino da Fiesole. 
A sedan-chair and other furniture of the 16.“ century. 
Retrace your steps in the first room above mentio- 
ned, which leads also, on the left, to the. 
Fourth room, whose walls are covered with French 
tapestry, representing a stag-hunt at Fontainebleau by 
Andran. Notice in this room the rich collection of 
seals of all periods numbering 1400 in all; and in the 
middle, the piece of furniture, containing an important 
collection of coins — The :

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