sculptures, and the statue of the Granduke Cosmo I.
- Leaving this palace you have very near, the :
Church della Mądonna dei Ricci (so called from
the Ricci family) whose inner part was rebuilt in
1769, by the architect Del Rosso and the external
portico was raised in 1640, after the designs of G.
Silvani — Leaving the church, this very street, to
your left, will lead you to the:
Canto dei Pazzi from the houses of Pazzi, who
possessed several palaces hereabouts (1). In front on
the left corner is the :
Palazzo Quaratesi by F. Brunelleschi. — On the
corner of this palace are the arms of the Pazzi, who
had it built; they are sculptured by Donatello — On
the right angle the :
Palazzo Nonfinito (so called from being only
half finished) B. Buontalenti- began the front on the
Borgo degli Albizzi for Roberto Strozzi, and after ha-
ving finished the door on that street, and completed
the first floor, he broke with the owner on account of
an order given to Santi di Tito for a staircase. From
that time several artists were employed, but never
completed it. The architecture of the second floor is
by V. Scamozzi; the cortile, with double columns, is
attributed to Cardi da Cigoli; and the entrance to G.
Caccini. — Continuing along the :
Via del Proconsolo, and near the Palazzo Non-
finito, you have on your right the :
Church of S. Maria in Campo, very old and at-
(1) Here takes place every Saturday of the Holy Week, a
display of fire works, in honour of Pazzino dei Pazzi who,
fighting under Goffredo of Buillon, was the first crusader that
planted the Christian banner on the wall of Jerusalem.