Full text: Hare, Augustus J. C.: Florence

styled Duke of Athens and Lord of Thebes and Argos and Sparta. 
He was succeeded by his bastard son Antony, and the latter by two 
nephews, whom he invited from Florence, Ranion and Antony Accia¬ 
juoli ; the son of the latter, Francesco, finally yielded Athens to 
Mahomet II., in 1456, and was soon afterwards strangled by his orders 
at Thebes.'—Lindsay's  Christian Art. 
In a side chapel of the crypt is the tomb of Angelo 
Acciajuolo, Bishop of Ostia, 1550, by Donatello, with a 
border of fruit and flowers by Giuliano di San Gallo. A 
small cloister has some lovely stained glass by Giovanni da 
La Madonna dell' Impruneta. 
Udine. The chapter-house contains a Crucifixion by Ma¬ 
riotto Albertinelli; a Madonna and Child with Saints by 
Perugino ; and in the middle of the pavement, the noble 
tomb of Lionardo Bonafede, Bishop of Cortona, and 
Superior of this convent (ob. 1545), by Francesco de San 
Gallo, son of Giuliano. 
*It is very carefully modelled ; the flesh parts are well treated, and 
the drapery is disposed in natural folds. It has almost the effect of a 
corpse laid out for burial before the altar, and produces a striking effect.” 
Two and a half miles further, by a long but easy ascent, 
beautifully situated amid the olive-clad hills, is the famous 
shrine of La Madonna dell’ Impruneta, one of the most

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