61. A. del Sarto. A fresco of Christ seated on the tomb.
62. Id. Cherubs from the altar-piece No. 59.
63. Id. The Predella of this picture. S. Michael weighing souls.
S. Pietro Igneo passing through the fire and S. J. Baptist
being beheaded.
64. Fra Bartolommeo. Two sketches of the Madonna and Child.
65. Fra Paolino, composition by Fra Bartolommeo. The Virgin
throned, with saints. The Child standing on the step of her
throne receives the heart of S. Catherine.
*66. Fra Bartolommeo. The Vision of S. Bernard - the figure of
the saint is most beautiful.
67. Raffaellino del Garbo. The Resurrection.
68. Fra Bartoiommec, finished after his death by his pupil Fra
Paolino. A Pietà with Saints.
69. Id. 1516. San Vincenzio—very striking.
70. Mariotto Albertinelli. The Trinity—much restored—from S.
72. Albertinelli. Madonna, throned, with saints—from S. Giuliano.
73. Id. The Annunciation, painted for the Confraternità of S.
Zenobio in 1510.
75. Francesco Granacci. The Virgin in glory. Below S. Catherine,
S. Bernard, S. Giovanni Gualberto, and S. George.
78, 82. Fra Bartolommeo. A series of heads of saints.
88. Angelo Bronzino. Portrait of Cosimo de’ Medici.
94. Bronzino, 1561. Portrait of S. Buonaventura.
The other pictures are not worth examination.
this gallery is the entrance of the Library, through which we
must pass to reach the and Hall, which contains few pictures
of importance. We may notice
1. Ugolino da Siena. The Coronation of the Virgin.
22. Lorenzo de’ Bicci. Madonna with saints.
36. Antonio da Ceraiuolo. A Crucifixion.
3rd Room:
1. Luca Signorelli. A Predella. The Last Supper, the Agony in
the Garden, and the Flagellation.
Fra Angelico. Madonna with saints.
11. Id. Scenes from the lise of Christ—from the Annunziata.
13. Lorenzo di Credi. Holy Family.
18. Perugino. Portraits of Don Blasio, General of the Vallom¬
brosians, and Don Balthasar, Abbot of Vallombrosa.
19. Fra Angelico. A Predella. Six scenes from the story of
SS. Cosmo and Damian.
20. Id. Madonna and Child.