Full text: Hare, Augustus J. C.: Florence

down at the corner of the house, marking the site of a 
pulpit from which S. Pietro Martire exorcised the Evil One.1 
The simple habits of the Vecchietti are commemorated by 
Dante : 
E vidi quel de’ Nerli e quel del Vecchio 
Esser contenti alla pelle scoverta, 
E le sue donne al fuso e al pennecchio.’—Par. Xv. 115. 
Il Diavolo del Mercato Vecchio. 
The quarter south of the Mercato Vecchio was occupied 
by the Amieri, whose chief, Messer Foglia, decorated the 
walls of his houses with sculptured fig-leaves, in allusion to 
his name. These may still be traced on houses near the 
Church of S. Andrea. Close to this spot stood the beautiful 
tabernacle of Fra Angelico, now in the Uffizi, in a sculptured 
marble frame which is preserved in the Bargello. Near the 
Piazza di S. Miniato tra Due Torre2 is the old palace of the 
Castiglione, of whom was the giant-warrior Dante da Cas¬ 
tiglione, celebrated for his share in the famous duel fought in 
1529 in the presence of the Florentine and Imperialist 
* Formerly there were two of these Devils, one was stolen a few years ago. 
2 The name bears witness to the former abundance of the towers, which were a 
necessity with the ancient Florentine nobles.

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