STATUES: 66 Faun. 67 Athlete. SARCOPHAGUS: 68 the La¬
bours of Hercules. BusTs: 69 Poppea. 70 Nero. 71 Youthful
Nero.72 Galba. SARCOPHAGUS: 73 the Labours of Hercules.
PAINTINGS: Pesello, 26 The Adoration of the Sages. L.
Vecchietta, 27 The Virgin, Child and some Saints. Piero
di Cosimo, 28 a sacrifice to Jupiter. Paolo Uccello, 29 a
combat between horsemen. Pollaiolo, 30 the portrait of a
man. Alessio Baldovinetti, 31 the Holy Virgin seated
with several Saints.
STATUES: 74 Pomona. 75 Athlete. BusTs : 76 Julia the
daughter of Titus. 77 Otho (very rare). SARCOPHAGUS: 78
some Sea divinities. BusTs: 79 Julia the daughter of Titus.
80 Vitellius.
PAINTINGS: Piero di Cosimo, 32 portrait of a young
man. Botticelli style, 33 the Virgin. Unknoin, 34 a
young man. Fra F. Lippi school, 35 the Virgin, Child
and St. John. Luca Signorelli, 36 the Virgin, Child and
four shepherds. Raffaellino del Garbo (?), 37 The Holy
Virgin, Jesus and St. John. Piero di Cosimo, 38 Andro-
meda delivered from the Monster. Aless. Botticelli, 39 Birth
of Venus. A. del Sarto, 40 Jesus appearing to St. Mary
Magdalen. Gerino da Pistoia, 41 the Holy Virgin and
some Saints.
STATUES: 81 Urania. 82 Ariadne. BusT: 83 Julia, the
daughter of Titus. SARCOPHAGUS: 84 Sea divinities. BUSTs:
85 Vespasian. 86 Domitia. 87 Titus. STATUE: 88 Gany-
mede. SARCOPHAGUS : 89 Apollo and the Muses.
PAINTINGS: Pinturicchio style, 42 the Holy Virgin, St.
Joseph, and St. Blasius. G. Stradano, 43 Jesus on the
Cross. Mar. Graziadei, 44 the Holy Virgin, St. John, and
St. Anna. Rosso Fior., 45 Moses striking down the Me-
dianite shepherds in defending the daughters of Jethro.
A. del Sarto school, 46 Portrait of a woman. Cecchin
Salviati, 47 Charity. Maso da S. Friano, 48 the Holy
Trinity, beneath St. James, St. Philip, St. Augustin and
St. Crispin.