painted by Empoli. First altar behind the choir, St. Mat
thew called to the apostleship, by M. Rosselli. Last altar
St. Roch, St. Catharine and St. Anthony, in the manner
of Botticelli.
S. Felicita (The square bears the same name F. 7.
It existed before 1000, and it was rebuilt in 1736 by Ferd.
Ruggeri. On entering to the right, one sees the Descent
from the Cross, and the Evangelists on the ceiling, by
Pontormo and by Bronzino. St. Felicita by G. Berti. The
Martyrdom of the Maccabees, by Ciseri. A wooden Cross
with figure, by And. da Fiesole. The Virgin honored by
Saints, by an unknown author. To the left : a painting
and a fresco, by Poccetti. St. Sebastian, by F. Boschi.
St. Lewis, by S. Pignoni. The Marriage of the Virgin,
by Martellini. The Nativity, by Santi di Tito. The Resur-
rection, by A. Tempesti. The Adoration of the Kings,
by N. Cianfanelli.
In the sacristy, there is a St. Felicita, by Neri di Bicci.
In the Cloister, are still preserved some frescoes of the
XIV and XV centuries.
S. Firenze. (The square bears the same name G. 6.)
Built after the designs of Silvani, Ruggeri, Ferri, and
del Rosso. In the interior, are the Martyrs, by Stradano.
The cupola of the chapel of the Holy Sacrament, was
painted by L. Sabatelli.
S. Frediano. (Piazza di Cestello D. 6.) It was
rebuilt about 1680 by A. Ferri after the designs of Colo-
nel Ceruti, a Roman. The dome was also designed by
Ferri. The interior, in the form of a latin cross, presents
three beautiful chapels on either side, each surmounted by
a small cupola. In the first to the right, the frescoes are
by Matteo Bonechi. In the second, frescoes by Ant. Pu-
glieschi. In the third there is a fine picture by Aless. Ghe¬
rardini. The high altar is rich with marbles. The pic-
tures of the large cupola are considered masterpieces
of Ant. Dom. Gabbiani. The vaultings of the roof were