Full text: Handbook of Florence and its environs with views, a map and catalogues of the Galleries

In the middle of the room is a glass-case containing a 
collection of Tartar and Persian arms ; another case con¬ 
taining guns that belonged to the Medicis, small models 
of cannons and mortars and a Collar, an instrument of 
torture. Collection of ancient guns among which three 
that fired 30 rounds, by Maestro Lorenzoni, a Floren- 
tine of the XVII century. Air-guns and spingarde. Large 
cannon with St. Paul’s head, cast in 1638 by Cosimo Cenni, 
and two small rampart guns. Rich collection of halberds, 
pikes and lances, two of which last with pistols. On the 
shelves along the walls : the sombre armour of the sol- 
diers of Giovanni dei Medici, surnamed Giovanni delle 
Bande Nere: also other arms and armour. In the small 
room adjoining there are trophies and arms and armour, 
some cuirasses and an Oriental saddle. 
In the hall on the opposite side of the court-yard are 
preserved some antique stone sculptures ; amongst others, 
a Lion (il Marzocco) by Donatello, a lavabo of the XV 
century, the gate of the Pazzi Palace, by Donatello. The 
Holy Virgin, St. Peter and St. Paul by Paolo di Giovanni 
(1300) ; several statuettes by Niccola Pisano; sarcophagi, 
one of the XIV century that belonged to Cione Pollini, 
and the other of the XIII century. 
Under the portico are the heraldic arms of the quar¬ 
tieri and sestieri of Florence, a large basin by Donatello. 
An iron festoon made by Giulio Serafini in 1600. Two 
baths, one of which of porphyry; brackets, cornices, 
formelle in marble with ornaments and mosaics, which 
together with the bas-reliefs which are in the saloon, 
formed the two organ-lofts of the Cathedral, one of 
which by L. della Robbia and the other by Donatello; 
a stone door by Benedetto da Maiano. 
Grand Staircase. The armorial bearings are 
those of the Podestà, who were chosen among the citizens 
in order to dispense justice.

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