Full text: Handbook of Florence and its environs with views, a map and catalogues of the Galleries

20 the Holy Visit. Attributed to Raphael, 21 the Virgin 
raising the veil which covers her Infant. Fra Bartolom¬ 
meo, 22 St. Dominic. C. Cignani, 23 Some Angels and 
Seraphim. L. di Credi, 24 the Holy Virgin, and Child. 
To this Gallery was transported in 1873 Michael An- 
gelo’s David, a very fine statue sculptured out of a block 
of marble already rough-hewn by another sculpte 
was formerly at the entrance of the Palazzo Vecchio. 
Gallery ofmodern Pictures. (G. 4). VE¬ 
STIBULE. P. Benvenuti, I a Holy Virgin (a fresco). F. Fi¬ 
danza, 2 a Sea-piece. G. A. Santarelli, 3 portraits in wax. 
Unknown, 4 Hercules strangling the serpents. A. Pierini, 
5 the Rape of Europa (copied from P. Veronese). Santarelli, 
6 portraits in wax. V. Consani, 7 Head of the Baptist. F. 
Fidanza, 8 Snow. P. Benvenuti, 9 St. Francis of Assisi (a 
fresco). A. Canova, 10 female bust. V. Consani, 11 Louisa, 
Ex-Duchess of Parma. P. Tenerani, 12 Portrait. N. Cian¬ 
fanelli, 13 Leonardo da Vinci and Lodovico Sforza. P. 
Freccia, 14 Love. G. Obici, 15 Pietro Tenerani. V. Con¬ 
sani, 16 Bust of Michael Angelo. T. Benvenuti, 17 Abel. 
T. Mazzocchi, 18 Mazzeppa (a copy from Vernet). G. Lan¬ 
di, 19 The Maries at the sepulchre. A. Pierini, 20 Psyche 
receiving the cup from Proserpina. 
FIRST RooM. A. Pierini, I Dante reading his poem at 
the court of Guido Novello. G. Martellini, 2 the landing 
of Lorenzo de' Medici at Naples. G. Gauffier, 3 Portraits of 
his family. P. Batoni, 4 Hercules strangling the serpents. 
G. Gozzini, 5 the Holy Virgin. P. Benvenuti, 6 Hector 
reproving Paris for his idleness. N. Cianfanelli, 7 Alex¬ 
ander Manzoni. P. Batoni, 8 Hercules between Vice and 
Virtue. A. Marini, 9 the Virgin of the Olive. A. Segoni, 
10 Catilina. M. A. Buonarroti, (the younger), 11 Cardi¬ 
nal d’Este presenting Tasso to Duke Alexander of Fer- 
rara. G. Colignon, 12 the Beheading of St. John the 
Baptist. P. Benvenuti, 13 Jesus calling the children. V. 
Chialli, 16 the funeral of a Capuchin. F. Nenci, 17 the

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