Woman. A. Mantegna (?), 1121 Elisabeth, wife of G. Gon¬
zaga, duke of Mantua. P. Perugino, 1122 The Virgin and
two Saints. Raphael, 1123 Fornarina (wonderful work).
F. Francia, 1124 portrait of E. Scappi. Raphael, 1125 the
Virgin of the Well. Fra Bartolommeo, 1126 the Prophet
Isaiah. Raphael, 1127 St. John in the Desert. Van-Dyck,
1128 Charles V. Raphael, 1129 the Virgin of the Goldfinch
(a painting of rare beauty). Fra Bartolommeo, 1130 Job.
Raphael, 1131 Pope Julius II. Correggio, 1132 the Head
of St. John on a dish. Ann. Caracci, 1133 a Bacchante.
Correggio, 1134 the H. Virgin adoring her Child. B. Lui¬
ni, 1135 Herodias. P. Veronese, 1136 Holy Family and
St. Catharine. Guercino, 1137 Endymion sleeping. L.
Kranach, 1138 Eve. Michael Angelo, 1139 the Holy Family
(authentic painting). Rubens, 1140 Hercules between
Vice and Virtue. A. Dürer, 1141 Adoration of the Kings.
L. Kranach, 1142 Adam. Luca d’ Olanda, 1143 J. C.
crowned with Thorns. Giulio Romano, 1144 The Virgin
and Child. L. Caracci, 1145 Eleazer and Rebecca.
Tuscan school. FIRST HALL. L. di Credi, 1146
the Annunciation. C. Dolci, 1147 St. Lucia. Pontormo, 1148
Leda. C. Allori, 1149 St. Mary Magdalen in the Desert.
L. di Credi, 1150 the Saviour appearing to St. M. Mag¬
dalen under the aspect of a Gardener. Gio. da S. Gio¬
vanni, 1151 Painting. Fra Bartolommeo, 1152 the
Creator. A. del Pollaiolo, 1153 Hercules strangling An¬
theus; Hercules and the Hydra. Tuscan school, 1154 Pico
of Mirandola. A. Bronzino, 1155 D. Grazia the son of
Cosmo I. Sandro Botticelli, 1156 Judith. L. da Vinci.
1157 head of a young man. Sandro Botticelli, 1158 Holo¬
phernes' dead in his tent. L. da Vinci, 1159 the Head of
Medusa (magnif. paint.) L. di Credi, 1160 the Annuncia¬
tion. Fra Bartolommeo, 1161 the Nativity and Circumei¬
sion. B. Angelico, 1162 Nativity of St. John the Baptist.
L. di Credi, 1163 portrait of A. Verrocchio. A. Bronsino,
1164 Mary of the Medicis, daughter of Cosmo I. C. Allori,