mata round and dark. Round the picture is a series of
small paintings. L, Cappella Peruzzi, recently purchased
by the Bonaparte family, contains the tomb of Charlotte
Bonaparte, daughter of Joseph, ex-King of Spain, who,
with his wife, are also here interred, and of a child of
the Prince of Canino. At 10 is Giotto’s fresco of the Death
of St. John, lately uncovered from under a coating óf whi¬
tewash: a similar fresco is still covered on the opposite
wall. In the Cappella dei Risaliti are strange legendary
representations. At 12, St. Michael and Dragon, much
in the manner of Spinello Aretino; and at 11 is some le¬
gend of an ox. In P, the passage leading to the chapel,
are many works of the Giotto school, but none to be de-
pended upon. The most interesting is the Crucifix, as¬
serted to be that sent by Margheritone to Farinata degli
Uberti, after his defence of Florence. The honour is dis¬
puted by a Crucifix in the Sacristy. In the chapel S, is
an altar-piece of Luca della Robbia, and some interesting
works of the Giotto school. R is the Capella dei Baron-
celli. At 13 are the best Taddeo Gaddi frescos in Florence.
At 14 is a work of Bandinelli; and at 15 a tempera picture
by Giolto, inscribed with his name. At 16 is a noble
fresco, the Assumption of the Virgin, attributed to Ghir¬
landajo, but doubtful. At 17 is a monument like that in
the opposite transept; the statues are partly by Niccolò Pi¬
sano. The chapel of the Holy Sacrament contains the mo¬
nument of the well-known Countess of Albany, the widow
of Alfieri, by Emilio Santarelli. It is an imitation of the
cinque-cento style, and is pleasing. In this chapel Vasari
has painted thę Cenacolo, or Last Supper. Two statues
by Luca della,Robbia of St. Dominick and St. Bernardino,
are very fine specimens of hís style; but they have a por-
celain brilliancy.
In the body of the church are some good pictures; by