the latter tree, that valuable gum called mas¬
tick is obtained; the position is so pleasant
the fields so fragrant, and the productions
so varied, that it cannot be viewed without ex¬
citing the most delightful sensations.
On the right of the road towards Mola d.
Gaeta, is an ancient tower, which is said to
have been the tomb of Cicero; it is supposed
to have been erected by his freedmen, on the
spot where he was killed. It is a circulai
edifice resting on a square basement; in the
circular part are two roofed stories supported
in the centre by a massive round column: con¬
tiguous to this monument, is a road which is
probably the same by which Cicero went to
the sea coast, when he was assassinated.
At a short distance on the sea-shore, is a
fountain conjectured to have been the foun¬
tain of Artachia, near which, according to
Homer, Ulysses met the daughter of the
King of the Lestrigons.
Between the tower and Mola di Gaeta, the
road commands a delightful view of the town