Full text: Vasi, Mariano: A new picture of Naples and its environs

and as several vases were found within the 
house, containing the remains of medicines 
dried up, besides a variety of drugs and pills, 
it appears evident that this must have been an 
apothecary’s shop. 
Amongst the houses still remaining on the 
left-hand side of the same street, are seen 
those of Caius Julius Duumvir, and Gneus 
Ilarius Sabinus; and lastly that of Fortuneus. 
On the other side of the street are several 
shops in a ruinous condition, beyond which 
are the houses of Marcellus, and Svettius 
Popidius, Edile. 
They had begun to disinter some other 
houses in this part of the town, but afterwards 
abandoned the design, on perceiving that the 
volcanic substances had been disturbed and 
removed from their original situation, this 
being a certain indication that the inhabitants 
of Pompeii had returned after the eruption, 
in order to secure those articles of value, 
which in the moment of their flight they had 
been compelled to leave behind them; this 
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