Full text: Vasi, Mariano: A new picture of Naples and its environs

derived its name. It was erected in the year 
1470, after designs by Novello St. Lucano, 
and may be considered one of the most beau¬ 
tiful churches in Naples. It is built in the 
form of a Greek cross, in the centre of which 
was erected a magnificent cupola, painted by 
the Chevalier Lanfranco : it fell down during 
the earthquake in the year 1688, and was re¬ 
built; but as it still threatened destruction to 
the whole pile it was demolished. 
The chapel of St. Ignatius is ornamented 
with six beautiful columns of African marble, 
and with statues of David and Jeremiah, exe¬ 
cuted by Cosimo. The upper part of the 
great door presents a large fresco painting, by 
Solimenes, representing Heliodorus being 
driven from the temple. 
In the house belonging to this church is a 
conservatory for 24 females, who are main¬ 
tained and instructed in music, on a plan si¬ 
milar to that adopted for men at the house 
belonging to St. Sebastian, where 100 receive. 
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