Full text: Vasi, Mariano: A new picture of Naples and its environs

fercatello, as a market for hay and vegetables 
held here every Wednesday. In tbis square 
kewise, is the 
(Church of the Holy Ghost.) 
This was established in 1555, by a society 
f devotees who professed to be illuminated 
y the Holy Spirit; they erected on this spot, 
inder the direction of a Dominican monk, a 
mall church which was rebuilt in 1564, with 
conservatory for foundling children. This 
ame church was again rebuilt in 1774, after 
he plan of Marius Giofredo. The grand 
tar is adorned with valuable marbles, and 
vith a picture representing the Descent of the 
Holy Spirit, by Francis Moro. The window 
s ornamented with two fine pictures; that on 
be right is executed by Fischietti, and the 
other by Celebrano. The picture in the 
chapel of the Rosary, is by Luke Jordans.

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