Full text: Vasi, Mariano: A new picture of Naples and its environs

Towards the extremity of the quarter is the 
(Castle of the Egg. 
A large bridge forms the communication 
with this castle, which projects into the sea, 
about 230 toises, and as we have already stated 
was formerly united with the hill of Pizzo 
Falcone; but has been divided from it by an 
earthquake. This island is called Megaris, 
by Pliny, and Megalia, by Stace. Accord¬ 
ing to the opinion of antiquaries, the cele¬ 
brated and rich Lucullus, a Roman consul, 
nad a villa here ; from this circumstance the 
castle for a long period of time, preserved 
he name of Castrum Lucullanum. It is the 
place to which the young Augustulus, the 
ast Emperor of Rome, was banished, by 
Ddoacre, King of the Herulians, and first 
King of Italy, in the year 476. William I., 
he second King of Naples, constructed a

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