flanking it, were built from the designs of
John Pisano, about the year 1283, by Charles
I., of Anjou, who resided there, as the Castle
Capuana was not considered sufficiently se¬
cure. The exterior fortifications, which sur¬
round it, and form a square of nearly 200
toises, were commenced by Alphonso 1., of
Arragon, about the year 1500; they were
continued by Gonzalvo of Cordova, and
finished, about the year 1546, by Peter of To¬
ledo, who likewise added two large bastions.
Beyond the first fortifications of this castle,
on the left, in a kind of place d'armes; be¬
tween two towers, is the triumphal arch,
erected by the inhabitants of Naples at the
time of King Alphonso’s entry; the whole is
of marble, and is ornamented with many sta¬
tues and basso-relievos tolerably well executed,
and representing the actions of that king.
This work is the production of Chevalier
Peter de Martino, of Milan, who was the ar¬
chitect of King Alphonso. This monument
is curious, in reference to the history of the