Full text: Vasi, Mariano: A new picture of Naples and its environs

architect employed on this beautiful palace. 
The front, which is about 422 feet in length, 
displays three orders of architecture, orna¬ 
mented with Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian 
pilasters. In the first order are three large 
entrances; that in the centre is furnished with 
four beautiful granite columns, supporting a 
balcony; the others have only two. In the se- 
cond and third order, which form two apart¬ 
ments, are 42 windows orcasements. The whole 
building is surmounted by a magnificent entab¬ 
lature, above which is a steeple, containing a 
clock. The court is surrounded by two rows of 
piazzas, one above another: the communica- 
tion with these is formed by a superb, commo¬ 
dious, and broad staircase, ornamented with 
two colossal figures of the Ebro and Tagus. 
In this palace are large and beautiful apart 
ments, ornamented with rich furniture, fres¬ 
coes, and several pictures by good masters. 
In a large room, called the viceroy’s hall, are 
portraits of all the viceroys who have governed 
the kingdom of Naples, executed by Cheva¬

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