Full text: Spence, B.: The "Lions" of Florence and its environs, or the stranger conducted through its principal studios, churches, palaces and galleries

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Pratolino. — Mugello. — Colossal statue of the Appennino. 
Monte Senario. — Vicchio. — Vallombrosa, ec. ec. 
PRATOLINO, a sort of garden or rather park be- 
longing to the Grand Duke, six miles distant from 
Florence on the road to Bologna, is a favourite 
place for picnics, and equestrian excursions. There are 
several large and noble Villas on this road, amongst 
which may be mentioned Villa Galli, residence of the 
English Minister, Villa Normanby, Villa Catalani on 
the left, Villa Salviati which we saw yesterday, Villa 
Capponi, etc. As you ascend, the road becomes 
steeper and steeper, when once fairly on the top, 
you come to a large dreary sort of field on the left, 
in the middle of which stands a solitary cross; this 
place called Trespiano is the universal burying 
ground of all those who are not sufficiently rich to 
be buried in convents or churches. Every night 
at 1 o’clock a dead cart, carro dei morti, arrives here 
from Florence; the bodies are thrown into a hole, 
the priest mutters a few words, and all is over, not 
a cross or stone to mark the spot, not a friend to

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