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Via Maggio. — Palazzo Guadagni. — Santo Spirito. — Prof. Santa-
relli’s Studio. — Palazzo Rinuccini. — Or San Michele. — Li-
ceo. — Bargello. — Studios of Professors Costoli, Cambi.
Santa Croce.—House of Michæl Angelo etc. etc.
VIA MAGGIO. — Cross the Ponte Santa Trinità,
enter the Via Maggio (formerly called the Via
Maggiore from the numerous palaces and shops it
contained) ahout half way up on the left hand side
forming the corner of the Via Marsili is an ancient
palace ornamented with Sgraffiti in black and whi¬
te: here lived the architect Buontalenti of whom it
is related in his biography by Baldinucci, that one
day, as Bernardo was coming home to dine at his
usual hour, he saw a stranger, well dressed and of
venerable aspect, who dismounting from his horse
spoke to him in the following terms: « Are you the
» famous Bernardo Buontalenti of whom so much
» is spoken, on account of the marvellous inventions
» daily created by your fertile genius, and especially
» those recently executed for the play which was
Literally seralches, or ornaments scratched on tbe wet