Full text: Wilson, H. C.: A new guide of Florence and its vicinity with excursions to Fiesole, Vallombrosa, Alvernia and Camaldoli

Paggi. — 254. The Holy Family, Palma il vecchio. — 255. Por¬ 
trait of man, Van-der-Helst.—256, The decease of S. Mary the 
Egyptian, Pietro da Corlona.— 257. The sybil revealing the 
mistery of incarnation to Augustus, Paris Bordone. — 258. 
Portrait of a man, Tinelli. — 259. The head of Our Saviour, 
Correggio. — 260. Portrait of a female, unknown. — 261. The 
head of the Virgin, Baroccio. — 162. Portrait of a man, un¬ 
known. — 263. Jesus Christ on the Cross, School of Bronzino. 
— 264. The resurrection of Our Lord, Tintorelto. — 265. S. 
John the Baptist, Andrea del Sarto. — (*) 266. The Virgin and 
Child, Andrea del Sarto. — 267. Portrail of a Boy, Paolo Ve- 
ronese. — 268. Another portrait, Idem. — (*) 270. S. Andrea 
before the Cross, Carlo Dolci. — 271. S. Sebastian, Unknown. 
— 272. The portrait of Matthew of Medicis, Substermans. — 
273. Portrait of a female, Unknown.— 274. Portrait of a man, 
Idem.— 275. S. Carlo Borromeo, Carlo Dolci.—276. S. Louis 
the king of France, Idem.—277. The Portrait of the Princess 
Lucretia Medicis, Bronzino. — 278. S. Peter delivered from 
the prison, Albano. — 279. The portrait of Don Garcia of Me¬ 
dicis, Angiolo Bronzino. — 280. S. Rocco, Carlo Dolci. — 281. 
S. Nicholas of Tolentino, Idem. — 282. Holy Family, School 
of Van-Dych. — 283. Portrait of a girl, Unknown. — 284. Holy 
Family, Giovanni Van-Ahen. 
Hall of the Stove. 
The frescoes of the four partitions of this hall are by Pie¬ 
tro da Cortona, they represent the four ages of the world.— 
The golden age is represented by boys playing and giving 
themselves up to innocent delights.—The silver age is repre¬ 
sented by young shepherds occupied at their labours. The age 
of copper is symbolized by soldiers showing to a Dictator the 
wounds by them received in battle, whilst they obtain the re- 
wards of their courage. — The age of iron is represented by 
soldiers sacking a town of which they are killing the inhabi¬ 
The vault frescoes are by Matteo Rosselli in 1622.— In

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