Full text: Wilson, H. C.: A new guide of Florence and its vicinity with excursions to Fiesole, Vallombrosa, Alvernia and Camaldoli

was to have surrounded the dome; but through Michelangiolo 
highly disapproving, that for this gallery, the corner stones 
left by Brunellesco should be cut, the work remained unsini- 
shed, besides its disagreing with the edifice. It is believed, that 
Brunellesco’s designs of the gallery, were lost through the care- 
lessness of the Directors dell’ Opera; and those of Michelan- 
giolo, were not adopted, on account of the disputes they caused. 
Arnolfo had begun the façade;  but Giotto gavethedrawings, 
of a finer and a nobler one; and built it up to half its height. 
In 1586 willing to construct a front of a more modern archi¬ 
tecture, the vandalism was committed, of destroying the one 
by Giotto; of which, the single statues were conserved. - 
Buontalenti, Dosio, Cigoli, Silvani and others, gave drawings 
for the new façade; bul not knowing which to prefer, none 
of them was accepted. — Shortly after another was begun, but 
not pteasing, it was unfinished. 
Pictures and sculptures out of the Church. — Over the side 
entrance, lateral to the Campanile, is a small statue attributed 
to Niccolò Aretino. — Over the other same side entrance, oppo¬ 
site to the houses of the Canonici, a Madonna and two Angels 
attributed to Giovanni Pisano. — On the opposite side of the 
Church, over the entrance facing to the Via de' Servi, is to be 
seen an Annunciation of the Virgin, marble work by Nanni 
d’Antonio di Banco: lower down, two small statues by Dona- 
tello; and in the lunette, the Annunciation in mosaic by Do¬ 
menico del Ghirlandajo. — The statues over the other entrance 
opposite to the Via del Cocomero, are attributed to lacopo della 
Pictures and sculplures in Church. — Entering the Church 
by its principal entrance, one will observe the great clock 
over that doorway; its dial was painted in fresco by Paolo Uc¬ 
cello. Of the pictures, there only remain, at the four corners 
of the clock, the four prophets. 
See il in the Ufizio del Bigallo. 
See it in the: Chiostro of S. Croce; in the Chiostro of S. Marco, by 
Poccetti; in a painting belonging to the Misericordia.

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