Full text: Catalogue of the Royal Uffizi Gallery in Florence

557. Bouchardon Edmond, of Paris, b. 1698, d 1762. 
3rd room, Ist wall. 
721. Bouguereau William, French 
painter (still living). 
4th room, 3rd wall. 
478. Bourguignon Jacques, French painter, b. 1621, d. 1676. 
2nd room, 3rd wall. 
537. Brach (See Vander Brach). 
434. Breckberg Hiob, Deutch painter, also called Berk- 
heyden. b. 1637, d. 1698. 
2nd room, 2nd wall. 
575. Breton Jules, French painter 
(still living) 
4th room, Ist wall. 
511. Brokedon William, English 
painter. Date of the por¬ 
trait 1821. 
4th room, 3rd wall. 
285. Buonaccorsi Pietro, called Pierin del Vaga, of Fi¬ 
renze, b. 1499, d. 1547. 
Ist room, Ist wall. 
290. Buonarroti Michelangiolo, of Firenze, b. 1475, d. 1564. 
Ist room, Ist wall. 
271. Buontalenti Bernardo, of Firenze, b. 1536, d. 1608. 
Ist room, Ist wall. 
613. Cabanel Alex., French painter 
b. 1823, d. 1889. 
4th room, 3rd wall. 
398. Cairo Francesco, of Milano, b. 1598, d. 1674. 
Ist room, 3rd wall. 
675. Calcar Stephan, Deutch painter, b. 1510, d. 1546. 
2nd room, 2nd wall. 
385. Caliari Paolo, called Paolo Veronese, b. 1528, d. 1588. 
Ist room, 2nd wall. 
512. Callot Jacques, French painter, b. 1594, d. 1635. 
2nd room, 3rd wall. 
387. Cambiaso Luca, of Genova, b. 
1527, d. 1585. 
Ist room, 3rd wall. 
487. Campiglia Gio. Domenico, of Lucca b. 1692, d. 1770. 
3rd room, 2nd wall. 
424. Campi Galeazzo, of Cremona, b. 1475, d. 1536. 
Ist room, Ist wall. 
566. Canevari Gio. Battista, of Genova (still living). 
4th room, 2nd wall. 
573. Canova Antonio, of Possagno near Treviso; a sculptor 
and painter, b. 1757, d. 1822. 
4th room, 2nd wall. 
374. Caracci Annibal, of Bologna, 
b. 1560, d. 1609. 
Ist room, 3rd wall.

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