Full text: Catalogue of the Royal Uffizi Gallery in Florence

203 Rechberg countess S., of Ger¬ 
39 Medici (de') Anna Maria, daugh¬ 
ter of Cosimo III, grand¬ 
1145 Ricasoli Franc. Maria curator 
duke of Tuscany, wife of 
of the floreutine Academy of 
Giovanni Guglielmo, elector 
fine arts. 
Medici Francesco, curator of 
25 Ricasoli Zanchini Lucrezia. 
37 The same. 
the Academy of fine arts of 
1234 Ricasoli Lucrezia, of C. S. Se¬ 
6 Medici Buonoccorsi Aurelia 
1238 Riccio (del) Albizi Selvaggia. 
7 Medici Capponi Maddalena. 
1226 The same 
118 Medici Teresa. 
183 Richelieu-Deplessis (de) cardi¬ 
1671 Micheli Laurence-Nain 
nal Armand John 
952 Montorsoli Giov. Angelo (father 
1158 Ridolfi marquis Lorenzo, cura¬ 
a sculptor. 
tor of the florentine Acad. 
188 Neri card Enrico. 
of fine arts 
111 Olivieri Maddalena, of Portugal 
1068 Risaliti Strozzi Violante, a no 
291 Olivecciani Vincenzo, Rivani 
ble florentine Lady. 
Antonio, Cavallotti Giulio mu 
78 Rossermini colonel Simone 
1258 Rossi (de) Porzia. 
1064 Orlandini-Capponi, a noble flo¬ 
179 Rota father Giov. Battista. 
rentine lady. 
1095 Rovere (della) Federico, prince 
876 Orléans (d’) Maria Luisa, queen 
of Urbino. 
of Spain. 
1129 Sà (de Salvator Correa, a por¬ 
973 Orléans (d’) princess Isabella. 
tuguese admiral, governor 
duchess of Guise. 
of Bresil and founder of the 
1220 Palmerini Elisabetta wife of 
town of Pernagua. 
Giacomo Naccetti. 
139 Sansedoni Marsili Caterina, of 
1149 Pazzi (de) Cosimo, curator of 
the florentine Academy of 
1243 Saminiati Medici Costanza. 
fine arts 
230 Santini Mazzarosa Maria, of 
1057 Pazzi Cecilia. 
109 Petrucci countess Bichi, 
1178 Savoia (of) princess Francesca 
977 Piccolomini duchess Colowath. 
1177 Savoia (of) princess Margherita. 
225 Piccolomini Guadagni marchio 
49 Sedicivogui Garnkows y, pala- 
ness Ottavia. 
tinae leciciae et seneralis 
969 Pierazzini Teresa, daughter of 
majoris Poloniae? 
a bolognese painter. 
112 Sergherardi Borgnese Caterina, 
193 Pio IV. 
172 Pio V. 
a noble siennese lady. 
52 Sigismund, king of Poland. 
984 The same. 
160 Pio VII. 
32 Sigismund, duke of Finland. 
05 Simonetti Livia. 
303 Pietro Leopoldo I, grand-duke 
72 Sommers (lord), president of 
of Tuscany. 
the first British Counsel. 
2 The same. 
1079 Spinelli Chiara, princess of 
7 The same in his youth. 
1159 Pitti Giacomo, curator of the 
flor. Acad. of fiue aris 
1261 Spinelli Emilia. 
1214 Pucci Gherardesca Lucrezia. 
1155 Spini Carlo Giacomo cur of the 
922 Philip, count and prince palat. 
flor Acad. of fine arts. 
268 Spinola Maria, of Genoa 
981 Philip II, king of Spain treat¬ 
ing the marriage of his son 
203 Squarechburg (countess of), of 
with Margareth of Austria 
978 Steremberg countess Kauniz, 
1118 Philip III, king of Spain 
140 Quaratesi Guadagni Maria, a 
of Vienna. 
229 Stirumb (countess), of Germany. 
noble florentine lady. 
1232 Strozzi Caterina, wife of Filippo 
239 Quaratesi Dazzi Anna, a floren¬ 
tine lady 
1228 Strozzi Maria, wife of Ales¬ 
156 Querini Cardinal Angelo. 
sandro Strozzi. 
211 Rastrelli-Buccetti marquis Fran¬ 
cesco of Lucca. 
1062 Strozzi Cellesi, a noble floren¬ 
915 Ratzeville (de) princess palatine. 
tine lady.

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