1176. Andrea d’Aguolo (called Andrea Del Sarto), of Firenze
b. 1486, d. 1531.
Ist room, Ist wall.
400. Anguissola Sofonisba, of Cremona, born about the
year 1530, died 1620.
Ist room, 3rd wall.
561. Appiani Andrea, of Milano, b. 1754, d. 1817.
4th room, 2nd wall.
639. Arienti Carlo, of Milano, b.
1800, d. 1873.
4th room, 2nd wall.
295. Arpino Giuseppe (see Cesari)
523. Ayez Francesco, of Venezia, XIX Cent.
4th room, 2nd wall.
620. Bache Otto, of Danimark (still living)
4th room, Ist wall.
226. Baker (De) Franz, a Flemish
painter. Date of the por¬
trait 1721.
3rd room, Ist wall.
404. Baciccio (See Gaulli).
329. Balassi Mario, of Firenze, b.
1604, d. 1667.
3rd room, 2nd wall.
490. Baldrighi Giuseppe, of Pavia, b. 1723, d.
3rd room, 3rd wall.
405. Balestra Antonio, of Verona, b. 1666, d.
3rd room, 2nd wall.
306. Bandinelli Baccio, of Firenze,
b. 1493, d. 1559.
Ist room, Ist wall.
706. Barabino Niccolò, of Genova, b. 1832, d. 1891. Unfi¬
nished on account of the Painter.
4th room, 2nd wall.
356. Barbarelli Giorgio, called Giorgione, of Castelfranco,
near Treviso, b. 1478, d. 1511.
Ist room Ist wall.
312. Barbatelli Bernardo, called
Bernardino Poccetti, of
Firenze, b. 1542, d. 1612.
Ist room, 2nd wall.
396. Barbieri Gio. Francesco, of Cento, called Il Guercino,
b. 1591, d. 1666.
Ist room, 3rd wall.
326. Barocci Federigo, called Baroccio or Fiori d’Urbino,
of Urbino, b. 1528, d. 1612.
Ist room, Ist wall.
395. Bassano Leandro (See Ponte).
401. Bassano Jacopo (See Ponte).
407. Bassano Francesco (See Ponte).
534. Batoni Pompeo, of Lucca, b. 1708, d. 1787.
3rd room, 2nd wall.
282. Bazzi Giovanni Antonio, of Vercelli, called Il Sodoma,
b. 1477, d. 1549.
Ist room, Ist wall.