1300. PIERO DELLA FRANCESCA, of Borgo S. Sepolcro. —
XIV Cent.
Frederic of Montefeltro, duke of Urbino, and his wife
Baptista Sforza. Two busts in profile, painted on two
little doors.
On the reverse of each is an allegorical composition.
Behind the portrait of the first, the duke is represented
in armour sitting on a charriot and crowned by Victory,
preceded by four figures representing some virtues. A
little Cupid is leading the two white horses by which
the charriot is dragged. Behind the other portrait is
the duchess also on a charriot dragged by two unicorns,
and attended by four Virtues.
The Saviour appearing to the Magdalene, under the
On wood.
figure of a gardner. Purchased in 1848. —
Dim. fig.
1301. POLLAIOLO (Antonio del), of Firenze, B. 1429, D. 1498.
St. Eustachius, St. Jacob and St. Vincent; three stan-
ding figures painted with admirable boldness and fresh-
ness of colouring. According to Vasari this painting
was made in 1470 for the chapel of Cardinal of Portugal
in the church of San Miniato at Monte near Florence.
He also thinks Piero del Pollajolo, Antonio’s brother,
to have worked on it as he was more skilful than his
celebrated brother in painting, while this was peculiarly
On wood. Life size.
clever in drawing and composing.
The Annunciation. Several art-critics think this pain-
ting to be one of Leonardo’s earliest works and others
attribute it to Rodolfo del Ghirlandaio or to Lorenzo
di Credi. It was once in the sacristy of the church
of Monte Oliveto, near Florence, and was brought into
this Gallery 1867. — On wood. Dim. fig.
1295. GHIRLANDAIO (Bigordi Domenico).
Adoration of the Kings. A very fine composition and
splendid colouring (Dated 1487). — On a round board.
1292. LANDINI Iacopo, called Iacopo del Casentino. XIV Cent.
A gradino containing six subjects. In the center :