Full text: Catalogue of the Royal Uffizi Gallery in Florence

989. PLATTENBERG (Nicholas Van), called Van Platen. 
A marine scene. (Similar to N." 921). — On canvas. 
3449. HUYSUM (Jan Van). B. Amsterdam in 1662, D. 1749. 
A vase with flowers, painted on glass. 
Given to the Galery by chev. Arthur de Noè Walker. 
Italian School. 
1044. ALBANI Francesco, of Bologna. B. 1578, D. 1660. 
Cupid dancing, in a fine landscape. A composition 
similar to that of a larger painting of the same author, 
which is seen in the Brera Museum at Milan. - 
copper. Dim. fig. 
1085. BAROCCI Federigo. 
Head of a young woman. — On canvas. Life size. 
1027. ALBANI Francesco. 
Young St. John, with a lamb, in a pleasant landscape. 
On wood. Dim. fig. 
86. SAVONAZZI Emilio, of Bologna. B. 1580, D. 1660. 
Dead Christ. — On wood. Dim. fig. 
1011. CIGNANI Carlo, of Bologna. B. 1628, B. 1719. 
The Virgin embracing her Divine Son, who is fitting 
a chaplet on her neck. — The bust. On wood. Life size. 
1077. CANALETTO (Antonio Canale, called). B. 1697, D. 1768. 
The grand Canal of Venice. — On canvas. 
1048. MAGNASCO Alessandro, of Genova. B. 1681, D. 1747. 
Landscape. Some hermits in a wood. 
The Holy Virgin, and Child, surrounded by angels. 
A precious little painting in perfect state of preserva- 
tion. — Senator Morelli in his book: Le opere dei 
Maestri italiani nelle Gallerie di Monaco, Dresda e Ber- 
lino (page 123, Bologna, 1886) speaks of this painting 
as a work by Correggio. — On wood.

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