Full text: Catalogue of the Royal Uffizi Gallery in Florence

944. BREEMBERG Bartholomaus, of Utrecht. B. 1620, B. 1660. 
Landscape, with Roman ruins. — On wood. 
945. MIERIS (Francis Van). 
Two old folks at table. At a table near a window an 
old woman is sitting and drinking bear: an old man at 
the apposite side is slicing a loaf. A bird cage hangs 
before the window, by the sill of which is a pot with 
a plant of pinks. Left and right are two bunches of 
carrots. — On wood. D. fig. (Signed: F. V. Mieris). 
946. GALLE Jerome. 
A feston of flowers. — On wood. (Signed: Hieroni- 
mus Gallé f. A. 1655) 
947. HOREMANS Peter. 
A game at Skittles. — On canvas. Dim. fig. 
848. MOUCHERON Isaac, of Amsterdam. B. 1670, 1744. 
Landscape, with large trees. — On canvas. (Signed : 
957. NETSCHER Gaspar. 
A sacrifice to Love. A young lady dressed in a white 
satin garment, is playing the guitar in a garden, sitting 
before a fountain, on which is a statue of Love astride 
upon a lion. Behind her is a maid bearing a basket of 
flowers. (Signed: G. Netscher 1697). — On wood. 
Dim. fig. 
950. THE SAME. 
The portrait of the painter, with his wife and two 
pretty children toying with a goat. A landscape back- 
ground. — On canvas. Dim fig. (Signed: G. Netscher 
951. WELDE (Adrian Van der). 
Landscape, with figures of persons and animals. — 
On canvas. Dim. fig. 
On copper. 
Small landscape, with ruins. 
952. MIERIS (Francis Van). 
The aged lover. An old man, dressed in a pilgrim’s 
dress is in the act of declaring his love to a young

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