Full text: Pieraccini, Eugenio: Catalogue of the Royal Uffizi Gallery in Florence

861. POELENBURG’S style. 
— On copper. 
Small Landscape. 
H. m. 0,13 — L. m. 0,17. 
855. POELENBURG (Cornelis Van), of Utrecht, b. 1586, d. 1660- 
A Landscape, with figures of travellers on horse bach. 
On copper. 
H. m. 0,28 — L. m. 0,41. 
856. WATERLOO Anton, of Utrecht, d. 1662. 
Landscape with figures of fishermen. — On canvas. 
H. m. 0,35 — L. m. 0,56. 
969. BEGA Cornelius, of Harlem, b. 1720, d. 1764. 
A Man playing the lute. — On wood. 
H. m. 0,36 — L. m. 0,29. 
973. LINGELBACH Johann, of Francfort A-M, b. 1625, d. at 
Amsterdam in 1687. 
A Landscape, with some figures of sportsmen at rest 
and ladies on horse back. — On wood. Dim. fig. 
H. m. 0,47 — L. m. 0,36. 
800. SCHALCKEN Godfried, of Dordrecht, b. 1643, d. 1706. 
A Young Woman, by the light of a candle wich she 
carries and covers with one of her hands. — Life size. 
H. m. 0,59 — L. m. 0,47. 
3449. HUYSUM Jan Van, of Amsterdam, b. 1682, d. 1749. 
A Vase with Flowers, painted on glass. 
Given to the Gallery by Dr Arthur de Noè Walker. 
H. m. 0,60 — L. m. 0,47. 
911. POELENBURG (Cornelis Van). 
A Landscape, with ruins; a sphepherd and some 
animals. — On an oval copper plate. 
H. m. 0,35 — L. m. 0,47. 
866. NEER (Eglon Hendrik Van der), of Amsterdam, b. 1643, 
d. 1703. 
Esther before Ahasuerus. — On canvas. Dim. fig. 
Signed: Eglon Hendrik Van der Neer fec. 1696. 
H. m. 0,69 — L. m. 0,52. 
986. BEGA Cornelius. 
A Woman playing the Lute. — On wood. Dim. fig. 
H. m. 0,36 — L. m. 0,29.

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