Full text: Ibn-Ḥauqal, Abu-'l-Qāsim Ibn-ʿAlī: Kitāb Masālik wa-mamālik

Maweralnahr dwelt in Samarcand, at . 
Chaje, or 2023 
Ferghanah; but since that the seat of government has been re 
moved from Khorasan to Bokhara. 
O Denjareh is situated near the road of e Beikend: 
between that, and between the road, is a distance of one farsang. 
Bio Moghkan is five farsang distant from the city, on the 
right hand of Beikend, and from it to the road is a space of three 
farsang.Rendieh is at four farsang from Bokhara. 
Bumeheketis on the road of , Touaweis at a 
distance of four farsang. 
From au, Kermeniah to Beikend is one farsang in the borders 
of Soghd. Bumeheket is situated on the river of Soghd. Soghd 
is adjacent to Bokhara. After passing Kermenieh one comes to 
S30 Debousi. 
The capital of Soghd is e,w Samarcand; it is situated 
on the southern side of the river of Soghd. It has a castle, and 
suburbs, and fortifications, with four gates; one, the 
Deri Cheen, or the China gate, on the east; the 
Deri Nubehar, or the spring gate, on the west; on the north, 
Deri Bokhara, or Bokhara gate; and on the south, 
the gis ojlg,o Derwazeh Kesh, or Kesh gate. 
There is running water through the streets and bazars of Sa¬

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