There is à mountain called Zarkah, in the vicinity of
Bokhara; it goes between Samarcand and i Kesh, and joins
the border of Ferghaneh, and , Atrar, and goes on towards
the confines of Cheen; and this mountain is skirted by a desert in
the borders of Ferghaneh and Ailak, as far as Jer
In Ferghaneh there are mines of sal-ammoniac, and of copperas
or vitriol, of iron, and quicksilver, and brass; also of gold, and of
turquoise stone; and in this mountain there are springs of naphta,
and of bitumen, and resin; also a stone that takes fire and burns.
There is, likewise, water, which in summer is frozen, and in the
depth of winter is warm. There are some districts of Bokhara
within the walls, and some without: of those within the walls,
Touaveis is the most considerable town ; it is walled,
and at a stated time, once every year, the people assemble in it
from Maweralnahr: it has pleasant gardens, and orchards, and
running streams, and an ancient castle, with suburbs, and a
mosque : the inhabitants manufacture linen.
The other towns within the walls are nearly of equal size one
with another.Kerjinet is a large town;
Jerghaneket, andrr Medmamehelet are of equal size.
Every town of the territories of Bokhara has a district belonging
to it, except Beikend, which has not any village, but con
tains near a thousand Rebats.