Full text: Ibn-Ḥauqal, Abu-'l-Qāsim Ibn-ʿAlī: Kitāb Masālik wa-mamālik

( 231 ) 
from Sebenjan to Anderabeh, five days journey; from 
Anderabeh to  Jarianeh, three days journey; from Jaria 
neh to Penjhir, one day’s journey; from Balkh to  Bag 
halan, six merhileh; to a5 Kah, one menzil; from Balkh to 
Shiukan, three merhileh; from  Kaien to n 
Tebsein *** three merhileh; to Talkan (or Taikan), 
three merhileh ; and from Talkan to Meruarrudd, 
three merhileh. 
ne gei Ellag 
Account of the Distances and Roads of the Towns in 
FRoM  Kaein to Ruzen, three merhileh; from 
Kaien to   Tebsein Merian, two days journey 
from Kaein to  Chun, one day’s journey ; from Chun to 
ungi Khust, one farsang; from Kaien to Tebsein, three 

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