Full text: Ibn-Ḥauqal, Abu-'l-Qāsim Ibn-ʿAlī: Kitāb Masālik wa-mamālik

shall content ourselves with mentioning, that from the borders of 
Nishapour, to the village or Dhey Kurdan, on 
the confines of og Koumes, near Asedabad, is a 
distance of seven stages or menzils; and from Dhey Kur 
dan tol Damghan, five menzil; from Nishapour to 
g Sarkhes, six menzil; from Sarkhes to 3 Meru, three 
menzils : and from Meru to lAmol, on the banks of the river 
Jihoun, two menzil: from Nishapour to 6j Bouzgan, and 
to ig Pousheng, four merhileh; from Pousheng to , 
Herat, one merhileh: from Herat to Asferin, three merhileh; 
from Asferin to 0,0 Derreh, two merhileh. This is the boun 
dary of Herat. 
From  Kaien to Herat, six merhileh : from Meru to ( 
Heri (or Herat), twelve merhileh: from Meru to  Baverd, 
six merhileh; from Meru to Nesa, four merhileh; from 
Herat to Meruar’rudd, six merhileh; from Heri to 
iy Sarkhes, five merhileh; from Balkh to the bank of 
the river Jihoun, by the way of j Termed, two 
days journey (oho) ); from Balkhto Anderabeh, 
nine merhileh; and toBamian, ten merhileh: from 
Bamian to é Ghizni, eight merhileh; from Balkh to 
ü Badakhshan, thirteen merhileh. “From Balkh to the 
banks of the Jihoon, and to the sea (or lake) of Kharazm (Deriay 
Kharazm), from Badakhshan Termed, by way of the river Jihoon,

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