Full text: Ibn-Ḥauqal, Abu-'l-Qāsim Ibn-ʿAlī: Kitāb Masālik wa-mamālik

Eln 50 
Distances of Places in Jezireh. 
FRoM the source of the Euphrates (,; Forat) to the borders 
of Melitiah, to Samisat, two days journey: from Samisat to 
Hasermenje, four days journey; to a3 Raccah, two 
days journey : from Racca to l Anbar, twenty merhileh; 
from  Tacrith to Anbar, two days journey; from Tacrith 
to ozs Mousul, six days journey; from Mousul to Amid, 
four days journey; from Amid to Samisat, three days journey; 
from Samisat to Melitiah, three days journey; from Mousul to 
Beled, one merhileh; and from Beled to ai Nisibin, 
three merhileh; from Nisibin toRas-al-aien, three 
merhileh; from Ras-al-aien to a3) Racca, a journey of four days. 
ee 30 
Of the Towns and Districts of Jezireh. 
Nisibin is rendered, by its river and delightful verdure, 
one of the pleasantest places of Jezireh. It is a considerable 
town, situated on a level ground, watered by a stream which

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