Full text: Vitruvius: The architecture of Marcus Vitruvius Pollio in ten books

Amalgamation, 170, 171. 
uaodg, 260. 
Amiternine stone quarries, 43. 
ABACUS, page 74, 83, 95. 
Ammon, 187. 
Abaton, 50. 
Amphiprostylos, 66.— Plan of 
Abderites, 167. 
an amphiprostyle temple, 276. 
Abutments, 148. 
'Auotosvotç, a machine, 235. 
Acanthus, in the Corinthian 
Amphitheatre, 27. 
capital, 82. 
Amphoræ (cullearia), 143. 
Accius, the poet, 206. 
Analemma, 207; on the con- 
Achaia, 42, 81. 
struction of dials by the,220 ; 
Akpoßartkòg, 231. 
formation of the, 223. 
Acids, wonderful nature of, 190, 
Anaporicum, a winter dial, 225. 
et seq. 
Anatona, capitals, 253. 
Acroteria, 77—Represented, 280. 
Anaxagoras Clazomenius, 151, 
Actors, comic and tragic, 115. 
154, 177, 219. 
Adjustment, 63. 
Ancona, 57. 
Adriatic Sea, 42, 56, 57. 
Ancones (trusses), or prothy¬ 
Æolipile, 21. 
rides, 94. 
Æqui, in Italy, 191. 
Andrias, 223. 
Æschylus, 154. 
Andrones, 146. 
Esculapius, 12, 155. 
Andronicus Cyrrhestes, 22. 
Æthiops of the south, 183. 
Angle-tiles, 159. 
Lake of Æthiopia, 187. 
Angles, 66 ; of a portico, 122. 
Ætna, 41. 
Anician stone quarries, 43. 
Africa, prolific of wild beasts, 
Anisocyclon, an engine, 231. 
192.—African plains, 184. 
Antæ in buildings, 66, 145, 147; 
Africus, 22. 
represented, 276. 
Agatharchus, 154. 
VTXoUree, places that re¬ 
Agesistratus, 155. 
sound, 116. 
Agetor, of Byzantium, 262. 
Aisles, or wings, of courts, 136. 
Alabandines, 167. 
Albanæ, stone quarries of, 43. 
Albula, river, 185. 
Alder, 180. 
Alexander, 29, et seq. 151, 190. 
Alexandria, 30, 152, 153, 174, 
207, 220. 
Alexis, the comedian, 128. 
Alps, 56, 58, 183, 190. 
Altanus, 24. 
Altars of the Gods, how to be 
placed, 92, 98. 
Altinum, 17. 
Anterides, counter-forts, 148. 
Anthrax, 170. 
Antibasis, 253, 256. 
Antiboreus, a dial, 223. 
Antimachides, an Athenian archi- 
tect, 155. 
Antiochus, king, 155. 
Antipater, 190, 219. 
Antistates, 155. 
Antithalamus, 145. 
Apollonia, 187, 266. 
Apollonians, 266. 
Apollonius, 9, 223. 
Apulia, 17. 
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