Full text: Vitruvius: The architecture of Marcus Vitruvius Pollio in ten books

Fig. 1. Is the plan of a dipteral temple, so called from 
the double passages between the columns on 
the flanks lettered AAAA. See Chapters I. 
and II., Book III. 
2. Plan of a pseudodipteral or false dipteral tem- 
ple. This presents in front and rear the 
appearance of a dipteral temple, but the pas 
sages AAAA of the former figure are herein 
reduced to a single passage B, one range of 
columns being omitted. See Chapters I. and 
II. Book III. 
Is an elevation which answers to either of the 
above mentioned plans: the arrangement of 
the intercolumniations is systyle and the 
number of columns makes it octastylos. See 
Chapters I. and II. Book III.

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