Full text: Vitruvius: The architecture of Marcus Vitruvius Pollio in ten books

cesserunt Gulielmi Philandri Castilionii, Civis Rom. 
Annotationes castigatiores, et plus tertia parte locu¬ 
pletiores. Adiecta est Epitome in omnes Georgii Agri¬ 
colæ de mensuris et ponderibus libros eodem auctore. 
Cum Græco pariter et Latino Indice locupletissimo, 
M.D.LXXXVI. Apud Ioan. Tornaesium, typogr. Reg. 
Lugd."—Quarto. Harwood says that the Editor of 
this edition was Jo. Tornæsius junior, and that it is 
more correct, though less elegant than that produced 
by the father in 1552. 
—M. Vitruvii Pollionis de Architectura Libri decem, 
cum notis, castigationibus, et observationibus Guli¬ 
elmi Philandri integris; Danielis Barbari excerptis, 
et Claudii Salmasii passim insertis. Præmittuntur 
Elementa Architecturæ collecta ab illustri Viro 
Henrico Wottono Equite Anglo. Accedunt Lexicon 
Vitruvianum Bernardini Baldi Urbinatis Guastellæ 
Abbatis; et eiusdem scamilli impares Vitruviani. De 
Pictura Libri tres absolutissimi Leonis Baptistæ de 
Albertis. De Sculptura excerpta maxime animad¬ 
vertenda ex Dialogo Pomponii Gaurici Neapolit. Lu¬ 
dovici Demontiosii Commentarius de Sculptura et 
Pictura. Cum variis Indicibus copiosissimis. Omnia 
in unum collecta, digesta, et illustrata a loanne de 
Laet Antverpiano. Amstelodami. Apud Lud. Elze- 
virium. Anno 1649."—Folio. This has been usually 
considered the best edition of the Author : it was 
certainly at that period the most splendid edition, 
to which the Elzevir type not a little contributed. 
De Laet professes to follow the text of Philander's 
edition ; but neither was this accurately done, nor 
were the notes of Philander, nor the Lexicon of 
Baldus given entire, as the title would import. The 
most valuable novelty in this edition is the Com¬ 
mentary of Meibomius on those Chapters relating 
to musical notation. 
An Edition by the Marchese Berardo Galiani. Folio. 
Naples. This was accompanied by an Italian Ver- 
sion, which will be hereafter noticed among the 
Italian Editions. Harwood says this is " a fair 
and valuable Edition." Not noticed by Schneider.

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